Abstracts of №2, 2013


V.P.Volkov (Tver)

It is established that at patients without cardiac pathology the neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) proceeds more often hard, but mortality makes 69,2% while at the patients having a neuroleptic cardiomyopathy (NCMP), NMS current easier, but the lethal outcome comes in 100%. Thus in 64,5% the death is connected with the cardiac reasons. Evidence of change of adaptation potential of an organism is obtained at schizophrenia and influences on it by the NCMP, in particular at NMS development.
Keywords: neuroleptic malignant syndrome; neuroleptic cardiomyopathy; comorbidity; adaptation potential of an organism.

The role of psychotherapy in complex treatment of women with alcohol abuse and affective disorders


Affective symptoms are common for patients with alcohol abuse. The importance of an integrated approach and the effectiveness of a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in the treatment of comorbid pathology are generally admitted. Psychotherapy is also an important component of a comprehensive treatment of women suffering from affective disorders with alcoholism. It was shown that the use of integrated methods of psychotherapy composed of complex therapeutic activities, including antidepressant therapy and methods of specific alcohol treatment, will improve the quality and duration of remission.
Key words: alcohol abuse, affective disorders, psychotherapy

"To turn to immediate execution …" (About dates of performance of court decision about refusal in involuntary hospitalization)


In the article it is claimed that the judgment on refusal in satisfaction of the statement of mental health facility about involuntary hospitalization of the person is subject to immediate execution to its introduction in validity. The question of initiation of procedure of the address to the direct performance of judgment is considered. The judicial statistics and practice of decision-making on refusal in involuntary hospitalization is given. Suggestions for improvement of legislation are formulated.
Keywords: involuntary hospitalization; immediate execution of the decision

To the question of use of psychotechnics or about notorious «consciousness control» in religious new formations

E.G.Romanova (St.Petersburg)

Questions about researches which have been carried out in the area of mental health of people who belong to new religious associations are considered; variants of reasons of such religious choice of youth are offered, passing the idiom about «consciousness control» or «zombiing»; the problem about disturbing tendencies of the last decade – aspiration to transfer discussion of this subject to the medical (psychiatric) plane, at the corresponding legislative and standard providing is formulated.
Keywords: new, nonconventional or «informal» religious associations, neophytes, youth, manipulations with consciousness, psychotechnics, deprogrammation, psychiatric examination.